Learning why Water Is Very Necessary For Any Women's Workout
For some strange reason, I grew up never big on water. I liked sodas, juices, and milk but not water. As a result, while in college, this began to take a toll on my body. Not only was my skin dry but I was always tired, and if something was going around campus I was sure to catch it. Being dehydrated can lead to many pitfalls, especially since water is the main constituent of the body (60% of body weight is water) so if you are missing large amounts (or even small amounts) obviously it is not a good thing! When I was a physiology student, I remember taking my blood pressure for a lab and seeing the result was something like 98/62 and yes, this is low. Average blood pressure is 120/80. This was one effect of my poor hydration. Anyways, the important thing is we need to stay filled with water! So what is the best way to do that, especially when working out and living a fast pace life ? 1 . Drink 16 oz of fluid 2 hours before your workout. This should not be caffeinated, carbonated or...