Which Is More Important for Weight Loss - Exercise Or Diet?
It is one of the biggest debates in any fitness discussion and one the most highly asked FAQs by our customers. What do you focus more on? Exercise or diet for fat loss? In a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 59 individuals were studied across nutritional recommendations. There was no reportable pattern to suggest any effect of different diet regimes on weight loss. It was found that success was dependent on what discipline each followed. Weight loss and weight gain revolve physiologically around calorie consumption and expenditure. To lose one pound of fat, we must create a 3500-calorie deficit, which can be achieved either through exercise or diet. Exercise focused regimes don’t yield success Firstly, calorie expense during exercise is relatively small as compared to your entire day. Our resting metabolic rate consumes up to 2100 calories daily. Add another 300 calories for all your daily activities, and you have already spen...